Author Archives: Karen's Stone Soup

About Karen's Stone Soup

Welcome to Stone Soup with Karen Samenow. I named my blog Stone Soup because it's a little of everything. You may find art or music, or inspiration. I'm an artist, a spiritual medium, and I'm always learning more and exploring. I hope you find us interesting.

Patience Means Everything


For those of you that follow Stone Soup, I need to tell you the reason I’ve dropped the ball on my blog. It isn’t because I was tired of writing it, or I didn’t love my followers, it was because I was sick the month of December and into the first of January. I’m feeling fabulous now, and back to what ever normal is for me.

We are so used to speaking, sometimes without thinking, that there are times we don’t stop to think of how our words effect people. I try to be kind, patient, empathetic, but there are times when after I’ve said something, I can’t believe what just came out of my mouth. By the look of someone’s face, I’ve for sure put my foot in my mouth.

In past years, I’ve made a New Year’s resolution to be more Kind. That’s been my resolution for about three years. This year my NY’s resolution is Patience. Everyone says I’m already patient, but I’ve found that for some reason I’m becoming less patient, and more irritated at even little things. That’s not who I am!

Now that I’m aware of my sudden lack of patience, I’m also becoming aware of the words I use in response to that lack. Sometimes it’s gentle and I understanding, but I also at times find myself trying to hold back these words, ” If I could say something it would not be nice.” I feel impatient with people in line at the grocery store. Again, that’s not me! But suddenly it is me, and I don’t like myself much when I get this irritated.

I know some of you will think I’m crazy, and some of you who know me would say that anyway, after all I’m a creative, I’m a medium, I’m a mother and a wife. Who wouldn’t be a bit touched with all that going on? My answer to patience, or the lack there of, is to find the time for some peaceful soft guided meditation. Don’t laugh at me, I really do know what I’m talking about. YouTube has so many guided meditations that until you look, you won’t believe me. Because I’m a medium I tend to gravitate to my mentors for guided meditations. However, they too have what you’re looking for that is only a guided meditation. If you listen, nothing will happen to you, it’s only a meditation!

I hope that while on your journey to patience, you will consider my recommendation. Do a short Meditation to start with, it will help I promise!

An Unexpected Gift


Several days ago, I was made aware of someone dropping off this little package on my door step. The thing that made me aware was our dog Daisy protecting us from immanent danger! By the time I was able to actually get to the front door, the deliverer had vanished.

As I looked over this interesting little package, I still couldn’t figure out what it was. I did not take my own advise and open it up. This is something I’m always amazed when someone gets a letter, or package and keeps looking at it trying tp figure out who sent it, or what it’s about. This time it was me who did this, and in the end, I thought it was rather stupid that didn’t just unwrap it, but I guess the fun of something like this is the anticipation of getting something interesting, or exciting, or even in the case of an envelope…

As I carefully pulled the bow to see what was next, it still took me a few minutes to figure out who sent it, and what it was. My dear friend. Debra Zachau had so cleverly wrapped up a deck of Inspirational cards she had designed. I constantly had told her how beautiful the sayings were, and how much they resonated with me. I was beyond excited to see this deck sitting right on my kitchen counter, and couldn’t wait to see what they had to say.

Debra is an amazing Tarot Card reader and medium. She has developed these Daily Oracle cards, Angels in the Garden, and they are lovely. I use cards to do my own readings. Usually at the end of a reading, I’ll draw a card, and I’m always amazed how accurate they are, and how they support my own readings. If there is anything I have learned from honing my mediumship skills is that I don’t question the wisdom of Spirit, or the Divine.

Angels in the Garden

So here we go, I’m going to draw a general card from Angels in the Garden. It will be for everyone, so lets see what spirit has to say to us.

Spirit says to …….. Be Flexible……

It’s time to yield to all strong people and situations around you. Now is the time to allow hard words to pass through you and turn to mist! Angels will help you. This will keep you safe until you can move away from these difficult things. It’s time for action. Time to move.

Well there it is, a message from Spirit, and I have to say it’s appropriate for everyone.

If you’d care to have these great cards, you can contact Debra Zachau @ (760) 622-1881

Thank you for stopping to take time to read Stone Soup, see you soon. Karen

Sunday, Sunday


As I sit here on this beautiful Sunday morning looking out the office window, the bees in the trees, the calm, beautiful blue sky, and the fresh air are all inspiring to me. It sprinkled here last night so when I looked out the kitchen window everything was fresh, and wet. I always love the rain because it cleanses the flowers, trees, and the earth. Something that is much needed.

This is a day of rest! A day we can sleep in, read the newspaper, and sip coffee in a relaxed manor, maybe even leave your PJ’s on while enjoying a beautiful start to your day..

Remember to appreciate the things you have in your life. Things like you awakened this morning, or that you were able to get out of bed, and make it into the kitchen for that first cup of coffee, or tea. These are everyday things we do so regularly that they don’t even register as a blessing, but believe me that really are a blessing. All these little things we take for granted, are the things we need to be grateful for.

Resist the urge to focus on the things that didn’t, or aren’t working in your life. You already know what they are, no need to dwell on them. Sometimes when we are emerged in our problems, use don’t even think to refocus on the good, or positive things we have in our lives.

Take this day to rest, and know that while there are many things to get done, this is a time to replenish your spirit, and soul. A time to think about how the following week will be handled by you. Do you take a little extra time to reach out, and contact someone you haven’t talked to in a long while, or do you focus on planning your next day. One day at a time!

Whatever is right for you, is the right thing to do! Just remember that when you work hard, you must take time to replenish your resources.

Thank you for stopping to read Karen’s Stone Soup, have a blessed week. Karen

A Million Little Drops…


Of Love and Kindness!

When we think about how many people our planet holds, it’s almost frightening. Each country has it’s own problems to solve, but one thing we have in common is that we all want the best for our families, our children, and ourselves. We see families take time to nurture each other, and bring happiness into their own lives. But, what if we took only a small portion of that effort to show others that kindness? Even if you don’t care for someone, they deserve to be treated with kindness. After all, it shows our character, more than it shows their character when we stand tall, and be a kind, and courteous human.

Collectively, if we put our best foot forward and demonstrated kindness to even people we don’t know, wouldn’t we feel better about ourselves. I would! Kindness is contagious, and when we show it to others, they will show it to others also. Can you even imaging how much better off our planet would be?

John Lennon said it all, and this is one of my favorite songs. It reminds me of what little effort it is to be kind and courteous even if you don’t feel it that day! It reminds me that our world needs each of us to do our part, and collectively we can make a difference!

Since we have been on restriction world wide, I’ve noticed more people thinking about the attitude they cary around with them, and I’ve seen a huge improvement in Kindness. To me Kindness equals love. Not the love we have for a child or a spouse, but the kind that comes with human decency, and caring. It doesn’t cost anything, it doesn’t take any more time, but it really packs a punch and opens people up.

So the next time you see an old person trying to count out change at the checkout counter, be patient, be considerate, and be kind! Or someone that is disabled struggling to walk across the street before the timer is finished, be patient. Some day you too might be in a position to move more slowly.

We can do it together!

Thank you for stopping to read Stone Soup, see you next week.

What do You do With Lemons?


Well….You make Lemonade!

Life has a way of throwing us curves….and we have to deal with them one way or another.

I was talking with a friend the other day, and she was telling me how invasive and horrible her next door neighbors were. I’ve heard this story before, my son has a similar problem. I wonder exactly what and why can’t people be nice to each other. We live in a small community for seniors, and I would think we could be a little more considerate of the people around us.

Unfortunately people have problems, especially seniors. Some of them are elderly (not me), and have serious problems. They are unable to cook any longer, unable to clean their homes, or do yard work. It’s difficult when some people close off everyone because they don’t want anyone to see just how incapacitated they have become. They seem to get nasty, and defensive. I can understand how this can happen. But what do we do with that, and how can we help?

In the case of my friend, there are three families living in a home that is less than a thousand square feet. This is a great space for a single person, or an elderly couple. These people have multiple cars, parties, dogs and several other things. Since the landlord doesn’t want to lose the money, and the board of directors don’t seem to do anything (or can’t really do anything) about the situation, what do we do?

When we are backed into a corner, how do we make lemonade out of all the lemons living around us?

I don’t have a real helpful solution, however when there is nothing else to do, think outside the box. Sometimes when talking, or reasoning doesn’t seem to help, you come home and your neighbors are parked in your driveway, it’s time to have a glass of wine, and let it go!!! Find something you love to take your mind off of the nasty demands living next door!

Do you need to find a way to justify their behavior, telling yourself they are doing the best they can with what they have to work with. If that doesn’t work?

OK then, how about this…

Wrap them in white light, and pray they move soon!

Set up a Shrine with VOODOO Dolls and stick pins in them.

Walk on the beach, stick your toes into the water even if it’s cold! The ocean, lake, or stream can be a fantastic way to help wash away stress.

As you noticed it’s difficult to come up with a solution when no one will help. There are many people in our community that shouldn’t be here, and without any support to fix things, we need to go inside and deal with our own self before it eats us alive. When I dislike someone which isn’t often, I have to find a way to let things go or it will eat at me. That’s not very productive!

Personally I meditate, but I understand it isn’t for everyone. The meditation calms me, and I seem to let things roll off my back much easier.

Fortunately we don’t have problem neighbors next door, so I’m nice and calm….

If you have a solution, write, or text me leaving you thoughts, and ideas. Thank you for stopping by to read Karen’s Stone Soup, see you next time.

What Does the Rain Tell Us?


Today is a beautiful rainy day filled with cleansing, hope, and clean air. The sound of the rain hitting the roof, and running out the drain pipes are soothing to me. My bedroom window is open at night, and yes it’s cold, but it’s also refreshing. The sound soothes me to sleep, and I awaken refreshed and ready to go……after a cup of tea or coffee that is!

This weekend has been so lovely and cleansing. I can hear the trees telling me how good they feel, and how nice a bath is after a hot summer. Their leaves are green, and I can hear them singing as the breeze zips through their branches, and makes helps them to rustle.

All the Neighborhood birds are securely tucked into their nests, being so quiet I could swear they are all sleeping, and I can almost hear them snoring. Not a peep is coming from any of them!

As I take a deep breath in, I feel calm and relaxed, memories of my childhood rushing back, of being wrapped in a big blanket to sit by the fireplace. It brings back to me smells of cocoa, and the taste of popcorn. They are good memories, and I welcome more rain, and possibly a bit of thunder , all while filling me with even more childhood memories so sweet it feels like warm brownies fresh out of the oven and melting in my mouth.

Thank you for stopping to read Stone Soup, come back again. Karen