Tag Archives: kindness

A Million Little Drops…


Of Love and Kindness!

When we think about how many people our planet holds, it’s almost frightening. Each country has it’s own problems to solve, but one thing we have in common is that we all want the best for our families, our children, and ourselves. We see families take time to nurture each other, and bring happiness into their own lives. But, what if we took only a small portion of that effort to show others that kindness? Even if you don’t care for someone, they deserve to be treated with kindness. After all, it shows our character, more than it shows their character when we stand tall, and be a kind, and courteous human.

Collectively, if we put our best foot forward and demonstrated kindness to even people we don’t know, wouldn’t we feel better about ourselves. I would! Kindness is contagious, and when we show it to others, they will show it to others also. Can you even imaging how much better off our planet would be?

John Lennon said it all, and this is one of my favorite songs. It reminds me of what little effort it is to be kind and courteous even if you don’t feel it that day! It reminds me that our world needs each of us to do our part, and collectively we can make a difference!

Since we have been on restriction world wide, I’ve noticed more people thinking about the attitude they cary around with them, and I’ve seen a huge improvement in Kindness. To me Kindness equals love. Not the love we have for a child or a spouse, but the kind that comes with human decency, and caring. It doesn’t cost anything, it doesn’t take any more time, but it really packs a punch and opens people up.

So the next time you see an old person trying to count out change at the checkout counter, be patient, be considerate, and be kind! Or someone that is disabled struggling to walk across the street before the timer is finished, be patient. Some day you too might be in a position to move more slowly.

We can do it together!

Thank you for stopping to read Stone Soup, see you next week.

Recharging our Batteries


Do you treat yourself with love? Do you enjoy your everyday life? Do you have a place that you can go to be alone?

Yikes, I sound just like a commercial for a pill or something! I promise you it is not.

Treating oneself with love and kindness is essential to survival, especially in this climate of uneasiness and the unknown.

I have learned over the years that I function much better if I take time out for myself to rest and recharge. After all, we are all giving so much each day to simply survive. My quiet place would normally be out in nature, around trees or a stream, but in this heat my quiet place is in my husbands office where I can close the door, but not before announcing, “I’m going in, keep everything quiet please, and don’t bother me unless the house is burning down!”

Of course that isn’t always easy to do nor is it available to everyone, but each of us has to find their own place of solitude. There have been times when a long walk is just the thing to bring me peace. Sometimes it’s as easy as going for a drive, or sitting in the car. But not before putting a note on the car window saying… ” I need some alone time, Don’t talk to me, don’t tap on the window, don’t text me!”

Each of us has to find a place to contemplate, unwind, relax, and connect with your inner self.

Our survival depends on it!

Thank you for stopping to read Karen’s Stone Soup, see you next week, Karen

Day Seven: Is Patience A Lifelong Lesson?

Day Seven:  Is Patience A Lifelong Lesson?


For me I think it is!  Just when I think I’m a kind, loving, patient person I’m pushed  to the edge, and I lose it, taking away my self respect!    Are all of us like this, or am I one of the chosen few that constantly has to work on being patient?  I do so well for several days…. then….I  can’t help myself.  When I am patient, kind, and understanding, I feel like I’m giving myself a gift!

Is being tired something that takes away patience, or is it just plain old being ornery?  One can only guess.  Each and every day I have to remind myself to take a breath and be patient!